New swampy spawn rate?

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Im hearing reports that the swampy spawner time was increased even more???

Im hoping this isn't true for the sake of the server. If we make it impossible for any pvmer beside a millionaire tamer to get things then no one else will become rich since they cant afford the means to get there.

If the spawn rate was messed with please return it back to normal before the income for fishermen, miners, crafters, merchants and pvmers are all severely and negatively impacted for the sake of creating a swampy cartel for a select number of tamers.
I'm just now hearing about this and am not too happy myself. We Vikings and Pirates make a nice profit off rope, with a change like this no one will have a swampie, no one will need rope, no one will need the armor, and it will kill the market for all the aforementioned...

Elizabeth Gold

No idea why but the price has trippled over the last 3 months. Eighter the spawn has been reduced or someone has a knowledge monopoly. Both scenario's hurt the progressing curve of newer players a lot on this shard.


I still get them for just over 100k. The reason the price is going up is all the WTB posts from people that are willing to pay a lot more to get quicker results which I can relate too. I mean shouldn't this increase the price of rope for your team @Hildr'Valkyrie?


I dont know what the issue is but i think i have a solid fix. That would be to make the swampies a 110 or 115 taming animal and increase the spawn locations to two or three different spots. You don't have to make them all day timers you could put it on a random 1/3 locations daily, even at different times. This would do a few things:
1. Keep it a income source for high lvl tamers. (If that needs to be a thing.)
2. It would decrease the chances of a monopoly seriously.
3. Also allowing the market to dictate the prices more accurately. if bard deed dealers have to compete for business so should the other side of the industry.
3. It would also inspire more competition amongst pvp and pvm groups since daily their will be scouting and battling over the spawn by different guilds.

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all the WTB posts from people that are willing to pay a lot more to get quicker results which I can relate too. I mean shouldn't this increase the price of rope for your team @Hildr'Valkyrie?

Does quite work like that since rope industry is a piece of the barding industry and is partners with and price reliant of the swampy industry.

If people are offering those high prices they dont even realize they are hurting themselves. By forcing the price up it is only setting the price now above where the market can sustain. People are already reporting waiting for weeks with offers lf 250k (when a few month ago was 60-80k per) getting turned down for anything less then 400k.

Few things will happen:
1. The swampy market will bottom out and thus the deed market with it.
2. The devs hopefully spread out the spawn eliminating a monopoly.
3. Those in control of the spawn come to their senses a bit and realize they are beginning to price themselves and others out of jobs...

I know tamers see this big 375-400k price tag on deeds and think they should get a equal pay check. But they dont realize, its multiple people pulling together to make each one. No single person gets the whole sum.

They either get paid for their portion of the material or the mark up for making and marketing a product and reimbursed for the material they purchased.

But honestly this is smells of greed. And im all for making money but in a sustainable long term way that doesnt rig the playing field against new players who cant afford now to be properly prepared to compete against big bank account on the top level of pvm activity.
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Young Star

Does quite work like that since rope industry is a piece of the barding industry and is partners with and price reliant of the swampy industry.

If people are offering those high prices they dont even realize they are hurting themselves. By forcing the price up it is only setting the price now above where the market can sustain. People are already reporting waiting for weeks with offers lf 250k (when a few month ago was 60-80k per) getting turned down for anything less then 400k.

Few things will happen:
1. The swampy market will bottom out and thus the deed market with it.
2. The devs hopefully spread out the spawn eliminating a monopoly.
3. Those in control of the spawn come to their senses a bit and realize they are beginning to price themselves and others out of jobs...

I know tamers see this big 375-400k price tag on deeds and think they should get a equal pay check. But they dont realize, its multiple people pulling together to make each one. No single person gets the whole sum.

They either get paid for their portion of the material or the mark up for making and marketing a product and reimbursed for the material they purchased.

But honestly this is smells of greed. And im all for making money but in a sustainable long term way that doesnt rig the playing field against new players who cant afford now to be properly prepared to compete against big bank account on the top level of pvm activity.

If tamers are messing up your barding deed business, pushing the price of entry too high on the swampies, it sounds like there is an opportunity for you and your business partners to get control of both sides of that market. Camp Booty island on an alt and figure out the spawn rate for the chaos dragoon elite. You may not get them every time but getting one or two every few spawns will allow you to have more control of your business.

From what I have gathered, it isn't the spawn rate that has changed it is the demand for swampies. So if the demand for them is getting higher then your barding deed business should be getting better, especially since you guys have the best prices that I have seen.


Youngstar has a good point. Demand is definitely up. I do think it's mostly buyers that are cranking the price not the sellers so it might be less greed and more impatientance.
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