WTS Multiple items!


34 Devious
20 Ingenious!
Make an offer in PM

Unopened top tier, and tier down paragon chests - offer!

Regs at 4/6..
will do 10k each at 3.5 and 5.5

Also barbed leather @ 27 per!

poison SS x1 @ 30k
Magicresist SSx 25 @ 12k per - SOLD
Blacksmith x2 @ 10k per
Alchemy x45 @ 8k per SOLD
Inscribe x29 @ 10k per
Lockpicking x7 @ 30k per
Animaltame x 0.1 @ 23k
And many more! Ask to check for other ones!

Devourer of souls - offer!
Blue hell hound statue, offer.
Fire ele blob statue, 100k
Ask to check for other statues!
Queen terethan statuette..

Balron white body sash - offer
2k dono coins offer - SOLD
Large, medium, small spider web 300k

Pm me, or add skype severusdfi
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