I have noticed that there are some changes that can be done for people to enjoy these long boring skills. Though black smithy and tailoring have a bod system which makes it worth the hardship. I've experienced a carpentry bod system as well, and it would give depending on the bod (deco) statues and rarer wood. Maybe even boat parts to build one. One thing that would be nice to be added would be steal able rares to the reward for hard bods.
I recently did a thread on animal taming bods, but again this will help people get through taming! Even though I enjoy this part of taming. Imagine a rare horse and need to tame like 5 of them(hard) you have high chance to get a meta relic. <~example
Pet food, bonding brush, plus scrolls that could be used on pets.
This would increase the worth of pets for bods, make taming fun again.
I recently did a thread on animal taming bods, but again this will help people get through taming! Even though I enjoy this part of taming. Imagine a rare horse and need to tame like 5 of them(hard) you have high chance to get a meta relic. <~example
Pet food, bonding brush, plus scrolls that could be used on pets.
This would increase the worth of pets for bods, make taming fun again.