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So, there was an mIRC channel created by some people who decided to invite others who are respectful, considerate, and non-raging/flaming/PvP shit-talking dicks and apparently it was swiftly shut down last night by @Shane. After asking about what happened, the person who created the channel would not say much because of a fear of being banned...

For a fucking IRC channel?? Seriously?!

The main UOF IRC channel is a constant flow of epeens being tossed out left and right by PvPers and griefers who constantly talk trash whether they win a fight, lose a fight, or what to just make people's lives miserable in game. At least in this side-IRC channel, we could talk to each other, ask questions, etc without grief, without rage, and without hate from others. It was what the main IRC chat should have been!

I don't know the whole story because it happened while I was asleep, but from what I've heard (from multiple people) is that there was some kind of fear of a gathering of UOF players being stolen by someone else, or potentially being stolen by someone else to take them to another UO server. First, I'd like to say that I've put way to much time and effort into this amazing server that I wouldn't even think twice about another. Second, the channel was full of people from multiple guilds; Rekt, Trin, DABS, )$( to name a few. We still had disagreements here and there but we were respectful about it unlike what goes on in the main UOF IRC.

I feel like I'm in a relationship with a jealous girlfriend who tells me I can't talk to or even look at other women...

Why? Why can't a small group of us, who are loyal to UOF, enjoy a side-IRC channel without the flaming douchebags? Why can't we have an IRC channel where everyone is respectful to each other? Why is someone fearful of a ban because of creating a peaceful and respectful environment over IRC dedicated to UOF? Why was my IRC channel taken from me?

@Skye Wolfbane

This is fuckin ridiculous.........


just make a few mods to control the IRL insults... everything else should be okay for the channel -- PVP related shit talk is a sign of a healthy PVP community.


Staff member
You guys are welcome to have your own mirc channel for a guild or w/e, however consistently filtering all the good players into your new found community, from our community when we have zero control over it can't happen unfortunately.

If there is a problem with our IRC channel let us know and we will work to resolve it and get some of you guys even in on it to help.

We could have a public vote to add some player OPS in the channel, and work out some strict guide lines like how we use to have it. It's really a shame because when we were extremely strict in the channel people complained about how "ban-happy" we were and how people had to be careful of what they said. So, we decided to be super relaxed about it, and now some of those same people are in a new channel because of how bad the current one has become which is ironic because that's exactly what they asked for....

I honestly would love to give players the benefit of the doubt, and god knows we have tried to support larger sub communities just to see one of the leaders of that community to get emotionally angry and try to do any destruction they can to our community, which of course is to use their sub community against us.
So yes, it is just "a fucking irc channel" right now, but 6 months-a year down the road who knows if FB or you might get emotionally angry at some random change or personal issue, get fed up and use your channel that you created from our hard work of getting you players to even talk to in that channel against us. You can argue that it won't ever happen, however it already has, a few times.

I don't know how people can't understand how damaging that can be to a community.

On the other hand, so can the bad irc banter.

So we will go back to being heavy handed in irc, there will be no shit talking at all, they can take it to pm's.
People will have one warning.

We will also look at making some vets OP status.

All in all, you guys should of all made a post about it, or came to one of us instead of taking it into your own hands like that. There's a reason FB didn't tell me for awhile, because he knew i wasn't going to be impressed most likely.

Let's sort this out!
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