MIB Question...


I've searched the forums but I can't find a direct answer so I'll ask it here... when you go to a location given in a MIB, do you need to use your fishing pole or fishing net? Just looking to clear up when I use a rod or net.... Thanks y'all...
Nets are for "catching" monsters like krakens or sea serpents. I dont think they require fishing to use either. Just throw it in the water and a monster will show up. I suggest having a friend tag along if you can.

Skye Wolfbane

Governor of Trinsic
You don't have to equip the fishing pole either. Just has to be in your bag. Want a challenge? Toss in several nets at once! But yes, having a friend and/or tamer or something would be a good idea. Colored nets are just deco and won't increase or change the spawn they pull up EXCEPT white ones that you get from a white ancient mib. Those nets will bring up spawn plus a leviathin which are pretty nasty.


Yeah, I definitely planned on bringing a pal, hehe... awesome, thanks all, you cleared up a lot...