Meta Pet Questions


Sorry about this, but I've looked around the forums but I can't find the answers I need. I even tried the wiki, but I can't seem to find a search option.
Firstly, what is a meta pet?
Secondly, how does one get a meta pet?
And thirdly, I saw a shadow dragon pet the other day with skills around 115.0. Is that a meta pet?


A meta pet is a random drop from Champs and maybe another method I don't remember. Basically it is an egg that will give you a bound dragon. It starts out super weak but gains levels as it kills stuff based on the amount of dmg the pet does to the mob. You can get lucky and get it from a champ or buy an egg for 750k ish to 1 + mil depending on the color. It changes shapes as it changes levels and at level 7 it is a walking pvm god basically.

They take a lot of money to acquire and a lot of time to lvl so it could be said that you would be better off starting with a support character then start leveling your tamer after you have the funds.

The lvl that your meta can get to is based of your real taming skill and that chart can be reference on the wiki.

There are relics but in order to use them you must have a meta ball which I think is 10k dono coins on the dono vendor.

I have one and they are fun but require time and patience and right now are the target of grief it would seem so be ready to bail pdq if people roll up on you.

Good luck and happy hunting.


A meta pet is a random drop from Champs and maybe another method I don't remember. Basically it is an egg that will give you a bound dragon. It starts out super weak but gains levels as it kills stuff based on the amount of dmg the pet does to the mob. You can get lucky and get it from a champ or buy an egg for 750k ish to 1 + mil depending on the color. It changes shapes as it changes levels and at level 7 it is a walking pvm god basically.

They take a lot of money to acquire and a lot of time to lvl so it could be said that you would be better off starting with a support character then start leveling your tamer after you have the funds.

The lvl that your meta can get to is based of your real taming skill and that chart can be reference on the wiki.

There are relics but in order to use them you must have a meta ball which I think is 10k dono coins on the dono vendor.

I have one and they are fun but require time and patience and right now are the target of grief it would seem so be ready to bail pdq if people roll up on you.

Good luck and happy hunting.
I already have a gm tamer and a couple of mill. I need some taming powerscrolls, but i'm unsure of their value
Thanks for the info!


Taming scrolls normally 250-260 range.

Can sometimes buy a level 3-4 meta with stone for 3m or somewhere around there just look around :)

Good luck!


Relic prices:

QS 10 mil
Bloody 8-9 mil
Molten 6 mil
Nox 3-4 mil

Meta stone is 15 or 20k dono, around 2.5 mil

Taming ss 250k

Taming ps 30k to 8 mil

Yeah, you're gonna need lots of gold