meta dexxer and slayer weps


Xp is proportional to damage done.

So you will get the same amount per hp of mob you kill if you use a newbie dagger or vanq slayer, but you will get it a lot quicker with the slayer.


Xp is proportional to damage done.

So you will get the same amount per hp of mob you kill if you use a newbie dagger or vanq slayer, but you will get it a lot quicker with the slayer.
thats what ive thought but 2 people that have dexxers are telling me different on IRC, very cool cat and exince tell me that you get more xp by harder hit = more xp and that slayer weps are better not only by killing mobs quicker but by hitting harder = more xp per hit

[08:42:19] <VeryCoolCat> you get more XP per damage dealt


On kill shots with a slayer weapon you can be hitting for over 100 dmg.
Using a regular GM weapon it can be 40 dmg.
After killing 100 monsters with a slayer weapon would that equal 6000 extra experience on the talisman?


On kill shots with a slayer weapon you can be hitting for over 100 dmg.
Using a regular GM weapon it can be 40 dmg.
After killing 100 monsters with a slayer weapon would that equal 6000 extra experience on the talisman?

No, this is really about math.

Here is my understanding: XP is limited by the health of the monster. Let's say that you have 100 monsters that have 100 HP each. That is 10,000 total HP from which you can gain experience. As someone said above, you could use a newbie dagger or a vanq katana slayer to kill those 100 mobs. There is still only 10,000 HP to gain XP from. You will not gain extra XP from those 100 monsters by hitting harder. The only difference is that you will kill the 100 mobs a whole lot faster with the vanq than the newbie dagger. So you will gain it faster. That is the only sense in which you gain "more." By the ability to kill off mobs faster and draw the XP you can from their health.

Now if there's an XP % bonus for hitting much harder, than the above would not apply. But as far as I know, the % of damage that is converted into XP does not grow depending on how hard the hit is.
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I never really cared enough to do the math myself.. The leveling itself was dull enough..

What i told u, was that duckface claimed to get more xp using lightning, without slayer spellbook

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