Meta Dexer Question

The Trader

Hi all,

I'm new to this, but considering the amount of cowards on this shard who hide behind their meta ancient wyrms, I was thinking of teaching them a lesson.

I've been told if I get a certain talisman I take reduced dragon fireball and melee damage?

Could someone explain to me how I do the quest, then what relics/talisman thing I would need and how do I raise the ability? As in do I farm dragons?

Young Star

Defense talisman. Go to the uof wiki and search Meta talisman for more info. Basically there is a statue NW of Valor shrine. Talk to it and accept quest. You get a quest stone in your backpack. First step is sacrifice 30 vanq weapons, second kill 100 monsters(must be as tough as daemons and drakes), finally go damage the arch demon and be alive in the room when he dies to get blessed blood vile. Then pick defense talisman and get the quench relic.

The Trader

Defense talisman. Go to the uof wiki and search Meta talisman for more info. Basically there is a statue NW of Valor shrine. Talk to it and accept quest. You get a quest stone in your backpack. First step is sacrifice 30 vanq weapons, second kill 100 monsters(must be as tough as daemons and drakes), finally go damage the arch demon and be alive in the room when he dies to get blessed blood vile. Then pick defense talisman and get the quench relic.


How much does the quench relic cost?

And how many relics can I use? If more than just the quench, which would be the best if my goal is to take out ancient wyrm controlling scum?