Looking for some basic taming advice



I've never had a tamer or bard before, not even back in the day. Hoping to get some basic advice to stop me bashing my head against the computer because of something stupid, esp as I've invested in a neato dragon egg...so my questions are as follows, for any experienced tamer bard types out there(no laughing please) :

Can you make a viable tamer build without vet? Looking to work either archery or stealth into the build if possible, starting with peace and dropping after gming tame, for Provo. I'd have gm vet on an alt build for emergencies.

Can you peace and/or Provo and/or vet while hidden?

Meta drag is 3 slots, meta steed 2 slots, correct?
Both can be loaded with the same number and type of relics?

I have a pet summon ball, and imworking on a meta stone...is there any other equipment I need? Whips? Brushes? Bushels of corn?

Thanks to some help from @Bobby123, I have some taming ss saved away, for post gm taming. What's the most I can get to before I should start using these?

Just any other general advice that may help me not make rookie blunders would be awesome. I checked out Bromistas taming guide which was really neat, so I think I have that part of it covered. Any other pointers for help or resources would be great!



These are the 2 easier methods :

a)Tame everything u see at Dagger Isle till taming skill is at 80+ or so and scroll up all the way .

b) Another way is to use a peacemaker tamer at shame lvl 1 ( scorpians ) to 90 or so and scroll up all the way .


cannot provo while hidden. Hiding/stealth are a waste on a tamer. If you don't want to die to pks just get wrestle/resist/eval (fuck music and provo) and fight back. Killed 5 pks just yesterday, you can even make more money by selling them their heads back.


At just GM taming without provocation, your going to be a little disappointed, you just don't kill stuff fast enough, and pets just aren't as tough as they seem. You definitely need vet, GMing it while resurrecting a friends pet is easy. If paragons spawn in your normal "Run" especially shadow wyrms or something, and you dont have provo, your in trouble. Unless you have a level 6 meta or whatever. You CAN hide AFTER provoking something without breaking the provo. I actually just switched my template over this past week to be a provo tamer, and have been having alot more success at the taming game. As @lollo said, theres basically two paths to take, bard tamer, and pvpish type tamer template. I can tell you as a bard tamer i get PKed a couple times a day, but i dont lose that much considering how fast i farm with the provo combo. As far as gaining skill i did basically what @Bromista said in his taming guide(Del passage is a magical place), and scrolled after about 94ish skill. Another thing i tested recently is the bandage timers for Vet. with higher dex. I went from 25 dex to 55 and im healing about 1.5 seconds quicker which helps when my provo fails and the SW's or ancient wyrms try to eat me, so that makes my stat line a little weird (100,50,75), but i can do everything i need with it, carry alot of crap, gate a couple times if i need to, spot heal or cure, heal faster with bandaids.


Awesome feedback, thanks a lot guys. I agree with what your saying lollo, but I may have to take a two part approach. i think the development path for me will be to level up my meta first with bard skills, and then switch over to a more pvp competitive build. I recently romped through the the grotto with a mate, he on his Provo archer and me on meta mage, and it was a truly humbling experience. As I mostly solo or at best partner up, I really feel I need that crowd control skill set. Particularly reading the issues others have faced in working with at best intermittently cooperative pets. An honest death from a fellow human I can accept, but dying from mob ai really gives me the shits.


These are the 2 easier methods :

a)Tame everything u see at Dagger Isle till taming skill is at 80+ or so and scroll up all the way .

b) Another way is to use a peacemaker tamer at shame lvl 1 ( scorpians ) to 90 or so and scroll up all the way .
Worst advice ever.



Here's what I've found. I did forest taming until the late 50s. Eagles and horses are great for when you first start. Then black bears and shit like that. Late sixties rotate between polar bears, walruses, and scorps till 75. Then it's time for great harts and grizzlies. Around 80 start doing the bull pens. Eat scrolls from 90-93. That was always the biggest taming slump for me.

Josh D

Ok, I've made a few tamers since I began playing.

A good starting build would be
any fighting skill
animal lore
100/100/25 (you wont need mana yet)

After you're done taming, remake the build however youd like.

Start out around Brit and tame grey wolves, brown/black bears, horses, llamas, and hinds to about 58.

At 58-72 Tame scorpions in Shame lvl 1 (peace, tame, kill)

72-78 - Ice island, grizzly bears, great harts

78-85 Del Pass, hell kitties

85-120 - Del pass lava lizard

P.S. Quit your job, tell your woman/kids goodbye, stock up on energy drinks and cocaine. Ill see ya in 3 weeks. GL HF


Ok, so here's where I've gotten to... I did forest spawn till 63, then went over to ice and started on walruses and and polar bears. (I looked into scorps in shame, but seems like you need a ticket number or something for these with tamers recalling in to kill). I thought I was balancing nicely until ice...I've done 3 points there, 66.3 now, but the landscape literally gives me headaches. It's just one big urban cluster fest, with half the spawns inside castles etc. had a couple of really cool moments there, siccing 5 polar bears onto an orc bomber etc, but the running around buildings thing is just a nightmare. I switched back to forest for a quick spell but honestly I feel burned out already. All I can say is hats off to you tamer grinders for your persistence. I really think I need to put this char down for a bit and get my uo energy levels up again lol.

Thanks for all the advice

Josh D

Just hit up Shame level 1. You'll share spawn occasionally, but the dungeon bonus is well worth it