Looking for People to join my CTF team!!!


I'm looking for some people to join my CTF team for the upcoming CTFL. I am accepting both CTF vets and people who may have not done a CTF before. so dont let your experience level prevent you from joining. sign up fee is 1 mil per team, i am asking that all team members contribute 80k to that, i will make up the difference, if you cant get the 80k i can work with you. PM me for details and come join in the fun!!!

Requirements Skype and a voice. oh and ears and fingers i guess... and eyes, but smell and taste not required :p

Staff there should be a CTFL subsection where we can recruit.



Nice to see people forming guilds. Yeh definitely a CTFL section with free agents and people writing form like:

Past CTF experience:
Nationality/Time zone:

would be good for people which are looking for players and it would be a nice database of people without a team LF one.