Looking for Character "Solid Snake" WTB Char Name

Salad Snake

If you have any information useful in tracking down in game character Solid Snake I am looking to buy his character name. I shall reward you handsomely


I think he will pay for deleting "solid snake" to create his own solid snake char. I think that's not illegal. :D


Did someone say....Metal Gear?!

And yeah I guessed he meant he'd give the guy a name change scroll and gold to change it

Salad Snake

maybi oomie lubs blud naam of or'gug or grug'bug? Maybi gift cheep wit lyk footzi Rubz!!! har! @Tofy @Grug'Bug
Im afraid I dont "know the name" of or'gug or grug'bug. If that's whats you're asking? Maybi gift not cheap tho. Give big and shiney! Big strong orc likey cuz make orc girl big orc butt glow. She will rubz your feet reel nice! Better than I can! Just need the name, ya'know? That's what I need then Orky get rich rich RICH!
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Staff member
I absolutely love that someone has to post, then connect with that person, then they delete the char to gain it.