I ran into a PKer yesterday that actually played as the hunter. Waiting in stealth like around corners, ready to strike. Luckily for me I was still young, and thus allowed conversation exchange outside the city protection. I was glad to have met a decent person, although playing as a PKer. It was funny to see that after I left, he continued his gameplay. Killing another unsuspecting player and looting her goods. He was nice enough to share the loot onto the ground for others who came by. ((Honestly one way to destroy the body faster by removing all items, and item decays faster when on the ground.) ... Gosh, that brought back memories of the good old UO! Thanks UOF for keeping it real! Anyways... Hello Onyxx, sorry if I spelled the name wrong... keep up the game play u do! And yes, if PKer's killed me outside the city walls, it would be my fault to be traveling alone and or not being tough enough to defend myself.