It's time for a BOD Reward refresh/change.


Something for sure would be good. Tailoring updates would be nice, as well as making dragonscale more worthwhile, and studded armor... Some sort of additions to smithy would be great. People have mentioned other crafting skills getting BODs such as fletching, carpentry, and tinkering... all of the above ideas would be cool. I really would like to see the t2a release prior to these adjustments, but it would be cool for the dev team to toss around some ideas.


I'd like to see enhancement to dragon scale too. Though I do think it would be better to see some improvements to Fletching, tinkering and carpentry.


The thing about fletching, what is the point? The materials to make arrows cost the same as buying an arrow from vendor. And obviously killing mobs for gold and buying arrows in bulk is 100x faster than lumberjacking for your own wood. So why take fletching? Maybe if you want to roleplay your own crafter, you could make your own bows, or something....but it is still weak. Especially in a skillset (archery) where regular bows are unanimously agreed to be simply the best all-around weapon, meaning other kinds of bows never get made/used. There should be a faster crossbow, or a stronger regular bow at 100+ skill in fletching.

Or at the very least the materials to build arrows should total less than the price of an arrow.


The thing about fletching, what is the point? The materials to make arrows cost the same as buying an arrow from vendor. And obviously killing mobs for gold and buying arrows in bulk is 100x faster than lumberjacking for your own wood. So why take fletching? Maybe if you want to roleplay your own crafter, you could make your own bows, or something....but it is still weak. Especially in a skillset (archery) where regular bows are unanimously agreed to be simply the best all-around weapon, meaning other kinds of bows never get made/used. There should be a faster crossbow, or a stronger regular bow at 100+ skill in fletching.

Or at the very least the materials to build arrows should total less than the price of an arrow.

The money in Fletching comes from slayer bows and not from crafting arrows/bolts.

This is why people level Fletching (or did? been a few months). Granted the rate in which you get certain slayer mods is outrageous (ex: repond).


The money in Fletching comes from slayer bows and not from crafting arrows/bolts.

No I know, I just meant to make it more useful for dedicated archers, as sort of a background utility to be able to craft their own arrows and really add to the immersion of being an archer. But when it's the same price it's just better to buy from vendor, which is kinda lame. Even 1gp saved per arrow would be enough to motivate a lot of people to craft their own as they go.


The thing about fletching, what is the point? The materials to make arrows cost the same as buying an arrow from vendor. And obviously killing mobs for gold and buying arrows in bulk is 100x faster than lumberjacking for your own wood. So why take fletching? Maybe if you want to roleplay your own crafter, you could make your own bows, or something....but it is still weak. Especially in a skillset (archery) where regular bows are unanimously agreed to be simply the best all-around weapon, meaning other kinds of bows never get made/used. There should be a faster crossbow, or a stronger regular bow at 100+ skill in fletching.

Or at the very least the materials to build arrows should total less than the price of an arrow.

Lots of people PvP with xbows and heavies

Bowyer makes slayer bows


I really like the idea of adding BODs to all the crafting skills. Fletching would be awesome to have Runic Fletching kits. It would be also cool if they added in a few new types of bows. Like a short bow, which would be faster but have a limited range. Combined with the new wood coming soon, this may entice more people to get into bowcrafting.

Carp and tinker BODs would also be pretty sweet. Rewards might be a little tricky to come up with from scratch, but it would be something I think the community here at large could come up with some ideas for.