WTB I Got It Thanks


Ok so I am looking for a great 18x18 spot. I would actual prefer it to be just dirt so if you have something on it you can get a rebate :D .

My price range at the moment is 500k-1mil. Here are the things I am looking for in this 18x18 plot (nothing is make or break in this list):

  • Near water (lake or ocean). If it is on the same screen or right next to it all the better.
  • In a wooded or grassy area but trees don't block the view of the house. I want to show off.
  • Fewer the neighbors the better. If there are neighbors would want to find out who they are to determine if they are friendly.
  • Remote and out of the way would be awesome.
  • Other houses won't obstruct the view of this plot even if fully built out.
  • Unobstructed front area
  • Low spawn. Not that big of a deal if the spawn is low end.

So right now you are saying holy shit that is a lot of conditions. Well nothing in that list is make or break. The only thing that is absolutely required is that it be 18x18. The better the spot fits to the criteria above the more I am willing to pay. Also if the spot is really gorgeous I may go higher than my range but I can't know that until I see it.

Post here or PM me if you have something.

