How can I see the journal?


I'm having issues with journal as well. Arch you said setting a hotkey is the only way, but my client has a bar at the top for paperdoll, inventory,map and it also has a journal button. But it crashes my client everytime i click it. Is this a known issue and that is why you said hotkey only?


Step one: create journal hotkey/use menu to open manually

Step two: crash your client

Step three: re-open client

Step four: re-open journal

Step five: enjoy your empty journal

Open your journal first thing when you open your client and never close it if you want it to actually work.

Arch Enemy

I'm having issues with journal as well. Arch you said setting a hotkey is the only way, but my client has a bar at the top for paperdoll, inventory,map and it also has a journal button. But it crashes my client everytime i click it. Is this a known issue and that is why you said hotkey only?

i don't know what client you're using but I use Razor and it doesn't have that.


I'm using Razor too and I downloaded the client from this site. I thought all versions of uo had that bar. It can be hidden by clicking the little green arrow which turns the arrow red in the top left of the game window. Anyway I set an ingame macro to open the journal and it doesnt seem to do anything. Sucks cause I can't type without looking at keyboard so I miss what people say sometimes lol.

Arch Enemy

I'm using Razor too and I downloaded the client from this site. I thought all versions of uo had that bar. It can be hidden by clicking the little green arrow which turns the arrow red in the top left of the game window. Anyway I set an ingame macro to open the journal and it doesnt seem to do anything. Sucks cause I can't type without looking at keyboard so I miss what people say sometimes lol.

Oh, you're right. I have always had that bar disabled though so I forgot about it. If your ingame hot key is not working, it might be because it is already set to something else inside UO, or it may be already set as a hot key in razor, and if the box that says "Pass to UO" isn't checked, it will basically disable that key when you are inside the UO window (only thing it will do is do the action that hot key is binded to, for example if you bind Ebolt to your e key, it will only cast ebolt and u won't ever be able to type e and any hotkeys you set inside the UO client and bind to e key will not work, unless you check the box labeled "Pass to UO" in your hot key assignment window.)

Try setting your open journal hot key to a different key, also try alt + J as someone else mentioned earlier that is the default setting.


Ok so I got the hotkey to work but it to crashes me most times. But at least I now have it open and I didn't know it would stay open after logging and relogging. Just gotta try not to accidentally close it among my cluttered gameplay window. God I need a bigger monitor :)

Thx for the help guys and for the tip about the pass to uo box. I never knew what that did either heh.