High Seas Content


I have a few questions about the High Seas content I hope that someone can answer.

1. If your ship is sunk by someone do they own that ship then or can you come back and repair it?

2. Do the cannons on the ships do damage to players on the other boat or just the boat?

3. If you are able to repair a ship do you have to put new cannons on it or are they repaired with the ship?



1. If your ship is sunk by someone do they own that ship then or can you come back and repair it?
When you boat is sunk by someone, a ransom note will appear in the inventory of the character that placed the boat. You then have 2 options: either accept the ransom to get your boat back (for a price), or reject the ransom and prevent anyone else from repairing your wrecked boat for one hour. So if you reject the ransom you have one hour to set sail to your wrecked boat and try and repair it and thus reclaiming it. After the hour has passed, everyone will be able to repair it and claim it. If you don't respond to the ransom note in 15 minutes then everyone will be able to repair your boat (a quick win for the pirates).

2. Do the cannons on the ships do damage to players on the other boat or just the boat?
Just the boat.

3. If you are able to repair a ship do you have to put new cannons on it or are they repaired with the ship?
If you repair a sunken ship, the ship model will be placed in your inventory. Just like drydocking a boat with cannons on it, all cannons will be placed in your inventory in deed form. So, you'll have the replace them but you can use the old cannon deeds.



So stratagy wise when two boats meet does everyone battle it our with mages and the winner uses cannons to sink the other boats since cannons don't damage players?
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It depends. Mostly it comes down to EV spamming if mages are on board (something that had been considered to be blocked in naval combat to encourage gunnery). Because of how simple it is to avoid cannon, you really need to kill the people on board so they can't avoid cannonfire. If a ship actually tries to fight us, we typically engage and fire cannon at the same time; unfortunately, the enemy is always dead by the time my marines board (with a few exceptions of hiders coming out after they jump on board - they always get a kick out of dropping people on their own ship in hand-to-hand combat).