Hello UO!


I am back once again! I actually started playing UO at launch in 1996 with a bunch of friends, it was a much different game back then, haha. I came back once with an old friend in 2011, and we are both back again now.

I think my friends and I caused some of the game changes back then, haha, we had so much fun running around in matching outfits raiding dungeons, killing everyone and recalling out with the loot. There were gank squads back then, and was great when you were part if it...but sometimes you would be with your friends or guild just chilling in a dungeon farming and 4-5 people in hot pink outifts with Xbows and blade spirits would just roll in and maul everyone...the good ol' days.

I was an alchemist/tinker back in the day, it was the most fun, for me anyways...that was when you could place explosion traps on anything in a dungeon and just wait for the fun. Run up to a group for chests, trap them all and hide...players would come in to loot the chests and BOOOOOM....dead. Loot the bodies and go...people used to carry recall runes to their houses and keys on them, so sometimes I would get a free house out of it.

I know it sounds mean, and you are probably thinking what a bunch of loser griefers...but it was a different game back then and it was so much fun rolling in dugeons with no "safety net." It really kept you on your toes.

I am playing on Atlantic shard now, I have a Sampire that I made in 2011, and am currently working on a treasure hunter. I remember playing the game when they introduced treasure hunting and I was one of the first to pick it up and have a lot of fun with it. I want to relive that fun.

Vlad Dracul


You'll find that UOF isn't much far off of that game, and most people here won't think you are mean. UO is a game build around freedom of choice, to play, to be what you want. Some frown upon tactics to kill other players, many embrace it, and welcome it. You'll fit right in here.