Healing skill question


Am just wondering if this calculator is accurate for the shard:


At 85 dex I am still taking a full 10 seconds for each bandage-self. Is this normal? What are other peoples' speeds?

Also I am considering dropping healing 100/anat 100 to healing 90/anat 80 as the heal amount only drops from 36-60 to 31-53. I'm just wondering if this calculator is even accurate cause my speed is different than what it says, I don't want to drop these two skills and realize the heal amount is much less than what it says.

Anyone have experience with this?


Am just wondering if this calculator is accurate for the shard:


At 85 dex I am still taking a full 10 seconds for each bandage-self. Is this normal? What are other peoples' speeds?

Also I am considering dropping healing 100/anat 100 to healing 90/anat 80 as the heal amount only drops from 36-60 to 31-53. I'm just wondering if this calculator is even accurate cause my speed is different than what it says, I don't want to drop these two skills and realize the heal amount is much less than what it says.

Anyone have experience with this?

Are you wearing heavy armor?


I don't remember ever being able to apply bandages on meself in less than 10 seconds on this shard. Crosshealing with bandages in another story though...


Thanks, just checking that 10secs is correct here rather than what is posted on Stratics (I know that site isn't accurate to this shard)