Sick of workin' on yer moms new boyfriends farm in Yew? Then git awn outta der and mosey up to self-respect!
On the eve of the great IDOC nerfing heard 'round the world this beautiful location was snatched from the hands of poor decision making, cleaned up, prepped for sexy photos and made ready for you, dear reader. Originally a 9x14 our architects were able to survey the property and replace the common rectangle with a voluptuous square 12x12 with the same lockdowns.
This property is along the edge of the mystical terathan swamp but none of those beasts spawn at this house, so you could easily customize this house with an archers balcony, lure terathans home and plink at their nuggets until your wallet is fat enough to afford the standard Mage Tower outfit of unexceptional platemail and a dank club of might (+3 cloak wearing).
Highly desirable square shape rather than the typical narrow-front rectangle.
Proximity to valuable spawn without being forced to live right inside it.
Zero Overhang
Placed prior to the ruination of the once noble IDOCing profession.
Spacious 12x12=144 tiles of pimp space. (compare a 10x15=150 tiles so these are damn near the same footprint while the 12x12 offers much more aesthetic appeal.
Looking to move it fast as I am going to be hosting a super secret event soon and I need to free up the account to hold the prize house for the event!
Cost to place this home: 183k
Cost to purchase this gem from Uncle Nid's Real Estate: 283k!!!