Had a blast tonight.

Doobey Magee

Friday night's are generally pretty heavy on the pks. So my cousin and I went tmap hunting.

Very fun. Made 3k each reg. 2 statues. 22 power weapons, 6 vanq, 12 slayers, 40 invuln armor, 140k.

Good times. If anyone has a bunch of lvl3-5 tmaps holla at your boy.


Doobey Magee

Not in the chest, but looting the monsters that spawned, yes.
Gargoyle, and dread spider.
I need to get a vendor up.


ahh ok, wasnt to sure if i was gonna get my guy to Cart or just drop that and get Stealth and be a dungeon lockpicker but i dont think loot is all that good in dungeons chests?

Doobey Magee

So this last weekend I did a crazy ingenious map.
Every monster spawn was a ancient wyrm or slayer. And they all provoked easily never failed.
Got about 12 monsters out of the chest.
Ended up with a 200k chest from all the loot.
Got 2 different 25 vanq bows.
It was just a crazy good chest.

So I tell my guild about it as I'm all hyped up from the score.
And a guildy is like holy shit I wanna do one with you...

No lie the next ingenious had 1 crap vanq. The chest was spawning titants almost every time. We got like 40k and only got that much cause a couple titans dropped some skillscrolls.

Talk about 2 sides if the coin


Awesome post Doobey :) I did a bunch of MiBs this past weekend and had an absolute blast. Now I'm thinking of expanding to t-maps. Do you solo them? What is your template? My fisherman is a provo/mage.

Doobey Magee

My tmap hunter is a Provo mage. He solos the devious ones. But for ingenious you gotta have 2 or be a tamer imo.

I'm sure I could solo 1 if I had money on a bet... But it wouldn't be pretty and it wouldn't be fast.

I still haven't done mibs. They seem easier to aquire then tmaps... But its hard to imagine a better looking chest then an ingenious. 1k regs. Bout 25k cash. Averages 6 high end weapons and about 3 to 4 mid range.


I've done a ton and sounds like I do them similar to doobey. I have a Provo tmap hunter like below:


Could change hiding out for resist or eval int if you want, but I find this works fine. When running dungeon chests I use hiding a lot to skip past mobs.

For tmaps, dig the chest and Provo mobs. Cast EVs to finish off stranglers.

Doobey Magee

Evs get dispelled instantly on ingenious. I but I park my archer offscreen to rez if I fux up. And to clean up stragglers.. he's also 120 provo so sometimes I need him


I am with you on T - maps. They are a blast. I bring my carto/lockpicker and just dig nd pick and park him for a mistake resser lol. Then have my provo/tamer do all the hard work.

Wish I had more time to do them. Slowing burning through my 100 devious and haven't even tried one of my 15 ingenious.

What LPing do you need for ingenious?

Doobey Magee

I never tried it till I had 97. But I bet 95 would work.

Yeah everythinga been a lot smoother since I started taking my main with me... Just to carry gold if nothing else.