Getting jacked takes me back.


Man I got hit hard today at the bank by a thief. Right away I started to feel myself getting mad then I stopped thought about it a sec, turned to the thief, congratulated him on a very masterfully executed steal and walked away.
I played this game when it first came out when real uo was just like this, hardcore and heartbreaking. Every thing since then has been nothing but neon junk and necromancy garbage.
I don't play a tamer and never been a pk (ever). I earn my money the hard way, rarely afk macro and I'm one of the best Bards this game has
ever seen (personal opinion).
I guess where this is going is thank you to all who make this game truly special again. Thank you thieves, pks, miners, griefers, beggers, cooks, weird ass tamers and all other fellow nerds.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all.

Me? My names LongFeather


I know the feeling man. First time I died to a PK it was almost new again, And while it sucked it also felt so right. lol