gem of portals info


is there any notes on the gem of portals?

more specifically i'd like to know what increased drop rate does? do i need to have a portal gem in my pack to receive the bonus or if i get one, get the upgrade then give the gem to another character do i still get the bonus? is it only increasing relic drop rate, and anyone know by how much (it does seem like there have been more relics for sale lately).

really the whole buy it and test it approach doesn't really make sense @ a low drop rate/2 mil i don't really expect anyone to be able to put together a accurate % increase unless the staff tells them

the increase tracking range increases tracking to 50 tiles if anyone is looking for that info (much easier to test then drop rate)

a magical man

I would hold out on this for the moment, I am not to sure, but there may be fixes with this item. You seem to be one of many who are stuck in the rocks by purchasing this item. I know the value of it will pay out soon!


We still waiting of the ptachnotes which adam did announce.
But so far. Yes you need the portal gem in your backpack. You can use the gem also for a other account but if you want the upgrades, you have to buy the upgrades for each account. I think you will never get a info about a droprate :).