Gankers Ruining My Experience

HEISRISEN here. Today I was with some HI guildies on a champ spawn and these EQMS assholes (who are seriously offensive) kept taunting us. We tried to ignore them but they thought it would be hilarious to ruin our run and kill us all while we were busy with the spawn. Can anything be done about these ASSHOLES? Anyone else have bad experience with them???


HEISRISEN here. Today I was with some HI guildies on a champ spawn and these EQMS assholes (who are seriously offensive) kept taunting us. We tried to ignore them but they thought it would be hilarious to ruin our run and kill us all while we were busy with the spawn. Can anything be done about these ASSHOLES? Anyone else have bad experience with them???
Did you try to preach the gospel to them?


To avoid being killed by eqms just don't be the person northest on screen. It's worked for me 100%.


Bring all your valuables with you and throw them on the ground next time

It works u just gotta have faith

When I was training my miner/tinker/crafterofsorts guy down in the orc caves, I'd pay off orcs all the time to leave me alone with armor or ingots or whatever else they asked for. They're usually very friendly people.


HEISRISEN here. Today I was with some HI guildies on a champ spawn and these EQMS assholes (who are seriously offensive) kept taunting us. We tried to ignore them but they thought it would be hilarious to ruin our run and kill us all while we were busy with the spawn. Can anything be done about these ASSHOLES? Anyone else have bad experience with them???

Welcome to UOF!!! The name of the game is kill, loot, survive and smile =)