Our crafter is whining that he never has any frost wood. I either need to kick him out of the guild, raze his fields, eat his pet goldfish or get him some frost wood. Please help a crafter our. He’s a semi good guy!

Whatever you think is fair, I’m not trying to take advantage of anyone. I just want to save a goldfish! How about 210g/per? Round it up to 170k for the 800?


I, unfortunately, am a transplant....originally from San Diego, German for "whale's vagina," then Denver for a part from 2002 to 2010. Here in the great white north for my kids...
Too funny. I’m in San Diego now and have been for the past 14 years. Brother lives and plays UO in Denver. Small world. Thanks again and let me know if you ever get more wood or if I can help. Cheers!