Hi Guys. Sorry my English is very Bad, but i have fixxed some Problems.
All German Players can make Party
you can see all of Craftingtools and more...
Som Player have a problem with the Craftingtools and moongates, cant see anything in the description.
So here is the way to fix this fu**ing shi*
when you have installed all. "Ultima online and the UO:Forever client"
so you must close all clients and programms who running with UO.
after them you go on this Folder: c:\\Programme(x86)\Electronic Arts\ Ultima Online Classic
* Search the UOPatcher.exe and run this as ADMIN updateing all files
after this Patching you must Run the UOFLauncher as ADMIN , updateing all files
the NEXT STEP: going on the Folder c:\\Programme(x86)\Electronic Arts\ Ultima Online Classic
and Copy UO CONFIG and paste on Desktop and open it and WRITE on the first LINE --> UserLanguageCodeString=ENU
save it and copy the new File in c:\\Programme(x86)\Electronic Arts\ Ultima Online Classic
After them all. you must Run Razor / UOFLauncher / Sallos / STeam as admin all time
Sorry for my Bad English
i´m a German Player
So Good Luck and Have Fun
i play 2 days with this Fix and i can see all on craaftingmenue or somthing
All German Players can make Party
Som Player have a problem with the Craftingtools and moongates, cant see anything in the description.
So here is the way to fix this fu**ing shi*
when you have installed all. "Ultima online and the UO:Forever client"
so you must close all clients and programms who running with UO.
after them you go on this Folder: c:\\Programme(x86)\Electronic Arts\ Ultima Online Classic
* Search the UOPatcher.exe and run this as ADMIN updateing all files
after this Patching you must Run the UOFLauncher as ADMIN , updateing all files
the NEXT STEP: going on the Folder c:\\Programme(x86)\Electronic Arts\ Ultima Online Classic
and Copy UO CONFIG and paste on Desktop and open it and WRITE on the first LINE --> UserLanguageCodeString=ENU
save it and copy the new File in c:\\Programme(x86)\Electronic Arts\ Ultima Online Classic
After them all. you must Run Razor / UOFLauncher / Sallos / STeam as admin all time
Sorry for my Bad English
So Good Luck and Have Fun
i play 2 days with this Fix and i can see all on craaftingmenue or somthing