Failed password


I made an account yesterday to make a mage, my brother gave me a 50k check to buy what i needed to train my skills, and I closed out my uo to fix something. I've opened it back up to realize that when I made my account, i typed my password incorrectly. Now I have an account with an unknown password. Any way I could get some help?


go onto IRC....PM adam or shane or just ask for their help.


you will need to register your IRC account before it lets you type in #chat or PM someone on IRC.


---IRC: if you are new to IRC as I was when I got started, in order to participate you need register a nick and this is how you will do it.

*Type the Nick want when you join then type:

/msg nickserv register password email@address (replace password with a good password and your email address)

* You'll get a confirmation email accept it then reopen Mirc type your Nick wait a second for everything to load then your password.