WTS elder daemon statue hue 2408


want to auction this rare hued (2408) balron statue, it came from a chest of a summer balron.


starting bid 3 mils
buyout 8 mils

auction will end 48 hours after last bid.
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It means the balron that died was that hue... that is what happens. If it was a normal hued balron mob, the statue would have been yellow or blue. Too bad it looks so similar to the normal hue one, since both are mostly grey/black. But it is rare.


ok guys, thanx for the input :)

pretty sure it wasnt normal hue though it was a teal colored mob, is this possible?


The mob was summer blue but the "non-spirit" version of the balron should have been that grey hue. There's mobs that when they spawn as normal they have a "forced" hue on them. Like the ethy daemons in Ankh (normally daemons are red when non-hued). The statue hue is generated when the mob dies... but there's a bug where the hue always reverts to that "forced" hue rather than the spirit hue when those type of mobs die. So in the case of the balron it grabbed the grey hue as the statue hue since it reverted back to the forced grey hue on death. The corpse should have been a grey one I bet, instead of blue.