Dragon+WW or Dragon+Young Dragon or Dragon+Mare


Hello guys,

I'm looking for some advices, I’m have a GM tamer I haven’t played in a long time and I’m trying to figure the best setup until I can get a death beetle.

Right now I’m running usual dragon + WW which works well but damage output of the WW gets bad when it runs out of mana and start spamming low level spells. I was thinking of going with Dragon+Young Dragon. Is this a good combo? I have a nightmare in stable as well .

So what would be the best




Thanks for your advices

King Dingaling

i use drag and ww too... they arent bad but im a bard too and i stay on top to make sure they dont get hit too much. their hp sucks


dragon + mare FTW. the other suggestions are just bad imo.

Only pro's with dragon + ww are that it looks more bad ass with two huge pets + that ww's can take more damage than mares. But for giving damage dragon + mare is way better + that you can use the mare as a mount to move faster.


Well, I really think so because of the firebreath and mount possibilities + the fact that ww's can be difficult to handle (at least if you're not > gm taming + lore). WW's are good in the beginning of a farming session but as soon as the mana is low they're loosing their powers.

King Dingaling

true...ive heard the same thing about mana...but if ur not at least gm u shouldnt be trying to use one. although, even at gm the little fuckers are hard headed. i could really care less about the mount part though..i carry my ethy with me anyways when im ready to stable them

maybe i will train my mare up some this week and try it out