Donation question

I am just wondering about items available. I`m not sure where I can find a listing of everything available. I would be most interested in an ethy mount or a mount in general. Are those donation items or are they acquired some other way. (which made another question pop in my head....are there vet rewards on UOF? and if so,what are they,are they listed somewhere?) Just gettin ready for work and lookin forward to a short day and commin home to some UOF!

Would like to spend a lil coin and not sure whats available. Call me lazy, I did do a brief search for the info, but I am kind of pressed for time and I`m bout ready to head out and adult for 6 hours.
If mounts or ethy`s are not part of the donation store, how do I get one?

Any advice/help is much appreciated, so thanks in advance =)


Hey Kookookatchoo!
All the donation vendors can be found infront of West Britain Bank. There's i think 3 or 4 that stand side-by-side eachother.
The items are primarily all cosmetic, however ethy mounts are available on them for as low as 1000 dono's

hope this helps!
Awesome, I feel stupid,lol. I saw those vendors by Brit since I started, but just never clicked on em.

I`m all about a no pay to win set up, but I have zero interest in cosmetics or deco. I like functional items like ethy`s/mounts or whatever else. Off to the Brit vendors I go!
