Do you wish to res your pet now?


How about an option to not res your pet to have it instantly reskilled by mobs when your bandage goes off one second before it dies


It's not a pleasant situation but I can already tell you the response is going to be not not run your pets so low and to recall before you get to that point. It's definitely a very preventable thing, but it still happens to me somewhat regularly lol.


but that's not even always the case you die come back and get close to your body with a vet macro still going and boom pet resses w/o you even having bandies on you... it would just be nice to have the option to go somewhere else to officially res your pet it couldn't be that hard to add in being as tho when someone else resses your pet the option is there


Still preventable!

But maybe we could have a box we could check to include a prompt for resurrecting our own pets just like all the other things we have GUMPs for. Would be super easy to do.


Comparable to disable stable warning, query before criminal actions. Things we can choose to be warned about if we desire.

Yeah why not?


Ugh, accidental pet resses are the worst.
I would love to see some sort of prompt implemented to prevent a pet from automatically resurrecting (and then being ress killed again GRR) all because of a bandage tick.
5k res or riot!



Can we take a moment to appreciate that the people that say tamers should deal with stat-loss and should buy scrolls even though pets have slow gains, are the same people that say murderers should not have perma-loss because skill scrolls are expensive even though player skill gain is fast.

Just one of life's little ironies.


Isn't there already a gump that pops up when someone else rez's your pet?

Just need to duplicate that feature into pet-owner initiated rez's.
Pet owner should have a gump pop up to ask whether or not to rez his/her pet, would make training vet less of a hassle. Since right now you need a pet from another account/friend.