Do you need to travel anyplace to mine?


Is there any reason to travel to different places to mine (different ores? different colors etc.) or can you pretty much do everything you need in one location?


The world is divided into little 8*8 boxes and in each box a certain type of ore spawns. Which ore spawns where is random. So you can't mine all ore types in one location but all the other types are usually close by.


You can mine those rocks that are scattered all over the world.
Every Rock has the same ore all the time.

I made myself a Valorite Minebook.
So you can just recall to every spot and farm for valorite Ores.
You can also go for Verite Ore and use an Prospector's Tool or a Gargoyle Pickaxe, then you will get also Valorite ore from that spot.

Hope that helps.


That does help! I was making a miner/smith that also had fighting skills because I wasn't sure what type of crazy places I'd have to go to find ore, but it sounds like I can just stay close to a city and just recall if anything goes back right?