Delucia Idea


A sectioned off area of delucia with bucs ruleset (no stat, everyone grey), but with benefits for being there: dungeon skill gain bonus, extra resource gathering, maybe a special mob or two or can be used to host MOTM. Think it would be great for crafters, pvpers, tamers, etc... Crafters that are willing to risk it would love the extra resources (from mining, lumbjerjacking) People could train skills and having a place to tame bulls with a skill bonus would be nice. The afking I dont think would be an issue either because of the potential of being attacked would be much higher with the criminal or grey status.


I would love for Shane just to add the city of delucia and that taming area. Always loved hanging out in that city.


I guess I should check out booty island then :) Would still be cool if Delucia Passage headed to....Delucia instead of just headed towards afk macro'ers and budding tamers.


I guess I should check out booty island then :) Would still be cool if Delucia Passage headed to....Delucia instead of just headed towards afk macro'ers and budding tamers.
To be completely honest Booty Island is boring. It looks incredible visually and is one of the coolest areas in UOF, but the fact that no mounts are allowed (a) makes no sense and serves no purpose, (b) is the reason NOBODY is ever there, and (c) destroys the months of hard work put into creating Booty. Nobody goes there since it's annoying having to run on foot in an area so massive.

Housing for some reason on Booty is still pretty hot. No clue why, nothing draws me there personally.. but to each their own :)


To be completely honest Booty Island is boring. It looks incredible visually and is one of the coolest areas in UOF, but the fact that no mounts are allowed (a) makes no sense and serves no purpose, (b) is the reason NOBODY is ever there, and (c) destroys the months of hard work put into creating Booty. Nobody goes there since it's annoying having to run on foot in an area so massive.

Housing for some reason on Booty is still pretty hot. No clue why, nothing draws me there personally.. but to each their own :)

havnt even been there lol


also there is still snakes on the island that run you down and do 90+ damage, so who really wants to be there?


Yah no mounts is ********, theres already a few spots in game where you cant use mount. (grotto, blood dungeon) Furthermore, this was for the delucia nostalgia and promote pvp in a non cut area other than brit bridge.


For me, I appreciate the enormous amount of work put forth in the creation of Booty. I've explored in twice and at this point I have no real desire to return.
Removing the "no mount" would just be a start.


I'm ok with the no mount thing. I love watching some old school video's with no one mounted and fighting. I also mean to check out booty island at some point as well. Would be kind of cool if some guild takes the whole no mount thing and runs with it. It's just too bad the orc's aren't active here anymore.