Dagger Isle Museum Official Opening


So I am officially opening the Dagger Isle Museum. The purpose or function of the museum is to begin to demystify rares here at UOF. The rares on display here are primarily spawnable and obtainable rares. Most of them can be found on various creatures around UO after killing a couple thousand of them. ;) (no kidding) Inside the museum I have displayed the rares and locked down a rune book containing runes to various locations in which they are found. All of the rares with spawn locations here have been verified by myself personally and can be trusted. A word of warning, the runes here should all be considered dangerous recalls and used with the utmost of caution. The idea is to develop a community that readily shares information about rares. Now I am not the type of rares hunter that spends millions upon millions on once in a lifetime rares that nobody will ever get again. If I do by chance come across one, it would be on display but that's not my primary play style. I am interested in the rares that with hard work you too can get.

I have started a guild called Treasure Hunters. Inc. with the abbreviation GOLD. If anyone is interested in joining me in this plight let me know! I have a feeling there are many, many rares that I have yet to find. Not to mention there has been talk of expanding the rares system with the upcoming expansion. We will do lots of treasure hunting, fishing, rare hunting, and killing of the same creatures over and over again. :D If there is no interest I will continue to maintain this museum in the hopes that kind players will throw me a bone from time to time and I can expand my displays.

Oh yeah, and like any museum there will be souvenirs available in the form of excess rares.;)

The museum is on Dagger Isle aka Ice Island, and is officially open. If the doors happen to be locked from time to time please understand we may be rearranging our displays. I am open to any suggestions and certainly any help. PM me if your interested in any of the above.

Finally, this is meant for common players, many of you may consider the information contained here to be very basic but for some of us this information is new and exciting. I am gearing toward those players. Thank you for your time.

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Mainstream Rares!! Kinda like an Oxymoron...but I like this idea a lot.

Rare farmers beware.

Well from experience some of the rares are very hard to get, no matter if everyone knows about them. The idea is just to spread the knowledge.;)


Very cool! I have a black dye tub which I would gladly add to your collection :)

That would be great! I do believe I have one, the question is what exactly do they spawn off of? Im still working on integrating everything into the display.