Custom Mobs and the various answers I get...

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Blaine the Gypsy

I always point out which mobs are not put in the right slayer list (like ogre mages which were corrected). Lizardmen Mages are not lizardmen or reptiles at all. The answer I get is "They are custom mobs so they aren't on any list". Fix it.


I always point out which mobs are not put in the right slayer list (like ogre mages which were corrected). Lizardmen Mages are not lizardmen or reptiles at all. The answer I get is "They are custom mobs so they aren't on any list". Fix it.
have you tried PMing @eppy , i think he has been the one fixing these.

Blaine the Gypsy

have you tried PMing @eppy , i think he has been the one fixing these.
No I page ingame at the moment things are not correct and get @JoeB giving me sarcastic answers. So I come here to stay fix it publicly. I do this a lot just normally it stays within the game. I find shit all the time. And whoever changed the Lummox to Repond makes my head spin since they were Reptiles.... and are reptiles....


Well it isn't sarcastic. It is true. They are custom mobs which is why they are not on the list. They are not on the list because they can't be added if they are in the uberscript code. They need to be harcoded in the server. I gave you a very valid serious answer.

Blaine the Gypsy

I was being overly dramatically sarcastic here. I just testing forum response times. Seriously.

As for the lizardmen when is the next update to the uberscript? I know they fixed a bunch of customs last time. It becomes frustrating getting geared up to go fight an invasion and be rendered dead due to things not being things they were supposed to be. ;) I'm not trying to poke the bear... I just hear a lot more negative whining/crying than you guys do since I'm on floor level.


Perhaps change troll slaughter to giant killer. As of now the only slayer for ettins is repond.
Ogres are giants maybe ettins are the inbread ogres?


Staff member
For a guy who wants to be event manager, you should know that there's a better way to approach such a small issue.
You can't be demanding like that either, i was honestly just boasting you up in staff chat about being the event manager for UOF. I then just right now, clicked this link.

After reading this, i'm unsure how you can possibly fit into our staff, while putting fourth such harshness, ignorance and kind of coming off as a bit of an asshole.
You kind of come off ass half-what crazy to me personally. This is as a player, so with more power and as a staff member that could get extremely worse.

IT fucking blows, because i really think you have some great idea's. However idea's are nothing unless everyone values those ideas from it's origin.

If certain, specific things aren't in right now, usually it's for a valid reason honestly. We have a ton of SLAYERS and mobs on each slayer. Eppy adds them all the time and is very up to date on slayers. If JoeB gave you a direct honest answer he wasn't fucking with you, he does not do that and i can vouch for him 150%.

It is a shame.

Blaine the Gypsy

I'd get in ventrillo right now and discuss anything I just can't get connected to the UOF address posted. I wasn't doubting his answer to me at all.

After reading this, i'm unsure how you can possibly fit into our staff, while putting fourth such harshness, ignorance and kind of coming off as a bit of an asshole.

So what you're saying is I lose before I can even have a chance?
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