Crystal Workbench Question


Trying to make slayer armor. I've tried to use two different what I assume are "public" crystal workbenches. I can move runes in and out of the box, but that seems to be it.

I can see in the wiki a Gump with an Imbue option but I dont seem to be able to pull that gump up.

Am I missing a patch or something?

Blaine the Gypsy

That's the OLD workbench menu. You need to page a GM to exchange your old workbench for a new one. The old bench couldn't do silver but did a fancy animation when crafting others.
The new workbench gump looks like this.


Ahh it wasn't actually mine.

Does anyone know of a PUBLIC workbench? I assumed because I could move items in and out it was public, but maybe not.


Well that workbench was public and fine to use - aside from the fact that it hasn't been updated or paged-in by the owner.

In all honesty if you page-in for them I am willing to bet that staff will actually fix that public workbench. Right now it's not doing anyone any good so I don't see what the harm would be.

If that's not an option I'm afraid I don't know of any public benches off the top of my head.


Well that workbench was public and fine to use - aside from the fact that it hasn't been updated or paged-in by the owner.

In all honesty if you page-in for them I am willing to bet that staff will actually fix that public workbench. Right now it's not doing anyone any good so I don't see what the harm would be.

If that's not an option I'm afraid I don't know of any public benches off the top of my head.
Slightly confused.

I found two workbenches in the Yew MG area. Both I assume were public as I was allowed to move runes in and out of them. Neither workbench had ANY gump, old or new.

Am I to understand that those 2 I tried were both usable, they just need a GM to fix? And I was wary about GMs fixing someone else's property so I wasn't thinking about that.


Yes they both need fixed.

And I know it seems weird but when a staffer fixes a workbench they are literally turning a useless item into a usable item. I don't see why they wouldn't fix a public workbench, as it was clearly meant for others to use and if they can't use it well what's the point :)


Yes they both need fixed.

And I know it seems weird but when a staffer fixes a workbench they are literally turning a useless item into a usable item. I don't see why they wouldn't fix a public workbench, as it was clearly meant for others to use and if they can't use it well what's the point :)
Ok maybe workbenches are just not used that often. I just found a person at WBB advertising their vendor in Yew with a workbench. I take the gate and find a 3rd workbench that I can't use. Weird. Ok maybe I'll try paging.


Don't expect that to change. There was no need to make a change to benches other than to disable them and force the update. Staff say they don't know how or why the old benches were able to imbue newbie armor, like they really can't figure it out. I don't believe it.

Change was deliberate IMO. My best guess would be a combination of two factors:
  • People farming excessive accounts for newbie AR
  • People crying
What I don't understand, if this actually is the case, is why they don't just come out and say it.

Young Star

The gump for the old one was removed specifically to stop imbuing newbie armor. plus the old ones wpuld sometimes bug out and keep filling up your lockdowns with all the runes that got used in it.


That is true the house item count would get screwed up. It was a nuisance but they did decay.

Change sucks for anyone looking for newbie slayer AR though.


I am confused to why the benches were allowed to imbue newbie armor for all these years and now it was kiboshed all of a sudden? I feel sorry for the new comers because the individuals that were able to imbue newbie armor before the change are sitting comfortably, you could say. I get the AR part of it, but newbie chest and gloves (the only two newbie options) is 4 ar, it isn't that drastic or crazy, in my opinion.