Changing music files


Hey, so I pretty much just downloaded the client and wanted to come back (actually to finally learn how to PVP properly and finally play for real)...
Anyways, I downloaded the UOF client, updated everything, and it works...

However, Im used to play UO with old game soundtrack. Every time it patched I simply had to switch music and config files in Ultima Online/Music/Digital and then everything worked (at least few months ago)...

This time I've switched the files, config and... it doesnt work. Client still plays old music files and ignores fact that I've changed config file...

I also have a clean, official UO client (I play on EA servers too). Switched files there aswell but it doesnt work there too...

Anyone knows why? Im so used to the old soundtrack and there was never an issue with this.

Edit: Actually, nevermind. I was just copying files from wrong folder ;v
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