Champions Spawn REVAMP



4 simple point that will totally revamp Champs

1) Add MilitiaPS
This will, obviously, create fight/action at least between blues militias
2) Remove 5K Score limit
Actually Champs finish in 10minutes not anymore 2hours, if you miss the first Wave you basically have a 5-7minutes window to make 5k score (impossible without Talisman) plus the time to prepare RAID (that will incrase action, so its good not bad, remeber, RAID is healty for a Felucca Server)
3) Add Alliance_Score_CAP
This will avoid 30 users zerg guild to finish champ in 5 minutes, plus with a CAP if a big zerg guild want all the 3 PS they are FORCED to raid against all others blues (so this will destroy eventually unofficial alliance between blues), succesfully or failing will bring action anyway.
4) BOSS can be lured again
This is simply, will add Strategy/Tactics in a endgame feature that actually is only allkill/corppor target closest


1) No - Militias should never be tied to PvM.. They should have their own activities..
2) No - just because the elite can do these in 10 minutes, doesn't mean everyone can. Removing that limit means PK's who raid in the last minute, get rewarded for little to no effort - which is a kick in the teeth to newer people trying out champs.
3) No - if a guild is going to use teamwork to finish the champ they should be rewarded for it. Try limiting champs to 1 account, or 2, the number of people who just have a toon casting EV's on the side is ridiculous.
4) I've never had an issue with boss luring, as long as it's contained within the champ area - the Skara champ that could be lured forever away was silly.



Random WERKT user: "crycrycrytearstearstears This is to help Money Guild crycrycrytearstearstears"

AGATHA: "This will bring action in endgame feature, also Money guild are 4 users, don't be a sissy."


Making the important suggestions as per usual.

Pls don't trammelize champs with ur suggestions. Get good and all of these so-called problems disappear or are next to nothing.