Champ Event Thing Thing

Is this intended or did I get unlucky?

So I died running across the steps of a house during the champ event thing.

I was then stuck on the steps as a ghost. I could not enter the house or leave the steps. Every time I tried to move it said a magical force was preventing me from doing so. I also could not use the "I am stuck" function until the event was over.

So are you supposed to be stuck as a ghost forever during the event? I swear I saw other ghosts running around and rezzing up.




Since their were reds running rampant I decided to neglect the actual pvm of the event and took advantage of the nice pvp. Was difficult to fight a whole group on your own, but I did manage to take a few heads :mad:.
*edit* didnt want to make a whole new thread so decided to put my event ss here


Oh! I was standing so near to Shane and didn't know it. Did anybody else know Shane was there? probably not since we were all getting our rears handed to us on a silver platter.