Cannot create character


New Member

I've created a couple of characters, though I only play one and am waiting the 7 days to delete two. I'm trying to create a tamer, but the client seems to 100% get stuck at the final "creating character" screen right before it should load the world. Tried about 8-10 times. Tried mixing up stats and skills just a little. Ideally would start 50 magery/taming and 20 veterinary. Wanna take healing as final skill for the free bandages. I run through a VPN but it created my other characters fine, and I did try running my default ISP once without a change in outcome.



If your account already has 3 characters you can't make anymore; there is a maximum of three per account.

The gold-sink vendor near West Britain Bank has a 'character slot' item to increase this by one, to a max of 7 per account (though, I have heard the limit is 5).

You can also have a maximum of 3 accounts (with 3 characters each), so if you have less than 3 accounts make another and get those characters rolling! :)


New Member
I was afraid of that, and meant to type that in as a question, but forgot to. Seems less than efficient to be able to have 9 characters, but have to spread them out.

Anyways, thanks for the reply.