Looking for alot of smith bods
X15 Aggy plate arms.legs.gloves
X10 aggy chain legs
X20 golden plate tunic.legs.gloves
X20 golden chain tunic
X10 Bronze plate tunic.legs.helm
X20 Bronze chain tunicx2,leg.coif
Tailoring ones i need
10 spined studded sleaves
10 spined bone all but gloves
10 spined leather bustier and skirt
20 cloth surcoatx2
20 cloth feathered hatx2
20 leather thigh boots x3
Sent from my LGL52VL using Tapatalk
X15 Aggy plate arms.legs.gloves
X10 aggy chain legs
X20 golden plate tunic.legs.gloves
X20 golden chain tunic
X10 Bronze plate tunic.legs.helm
X20 Bronze chain tunicx2,leg.coif
Tailoring ones i need
10 spined studded sleaves
10 spined bone all but gloves
10 spined leather bustier and skirt
20 cloth surcoatx2
20 cloth feathered hatx2
20 leather thigh boots x3
Sent from my LGL52VL using Tapatalk