WTB Buying Spined, 20gp each

Heya, I just started on tuoforever and got like 1.000 of spined leather farmed. Still interested in it?

By a sidenote: How do you trade 1k leather if you have no vendor? Those deeds don't show the number of stuff bound to it, just the fact that it is bound. So, practically no one uses those, or did I just not found the point in it?
Funny, I have to try it again, I guess. I clicked it single left click and it just diddn't showed the exact number. probably I am doing something wrong or it's an option I have to turn on. whatever.

Black Adder

the deed needs to be "used" first, John. Example... you have 1000 pieces of leather in a stack. You double-click the blank deed, then click the leather. The deed will change to show it is filled with 1000 pieces of leather. Then to "reclaim" the leather, you just double-click the deed again.
It says "A filled Commodity Deed" and thats all. No items, no numbers.

Well, it seems I got some speech.-related bug, for example the moongate menu doesnt show names of towns.
Probably its just me not seeing whats inside,

Or I am still doing something wrong. But I did what you said, Black Adder.