Bomberman teams

Skye Wolfbane

Governor of Trinsic
I've recently been turned on to Bomberman and zomgsofun!
I think it would be used more often if there could be a way for teams to play against each other.
Maybe a max of 4 or 6 people per team. They could be colored like CTF maybe.

Skye Wolfbane

Governor of Trinsic
Are you in game? I can show you. Meet me in Brit bank, east side wall and I'll show you and/or whomever else wants to come see.


That ... game..... annoys.... the.... hell.... out.... of... me.... Bah, without making macros *CHEAT* to drop bombs and detonate timed bombs *CHEAT*, its a nightmare. Granted, I am pretty dire at it but that does not stop me from making excuses like a skill-less workman blaming his tools for his mistakes. BAH.. >>>> ::: ((((((


oh dude i think macros are REQUIRED if you have that detonator. i was trying to use it without it and it was tedious. i wouldn't call it cheating... youre just binding keys to the keyboard, really. this game is from 1995, sometimes tricks are just needed =p


Tis only cheating IF like me, you are lazy to make macros :p. I did actually make macros once and still blew myself up, still I had pleasure after in taking my frustrations out on someone who wanted a gate to jehelom and ended up kissing a paragon balron. *grumbles*