Bad news/Good news


The bad news: Apparently my Library was not being refreshed properly, even though it was used many many times per day.... So it fell and everything is gone....So, I must start over and rebuild from scratch...

The good news: Once I re cooperate on regs and supplies. The library will be located in a much BETTER and BIGGER location!!!

Until then, I apologize for the traveling inconvenience and my absence until this process is complete....


The bad news: Apparently my Library was not being refreshed properly, even though it was used many many times per day.... So it fell and everything is gone....So, I must start over and rebuild from scratch...

The good news: Once I re cooperate on regs and supplies. The library will be located in a much BETTER and BIGGER location!!!

Until then, I apologize for the traveling inconvenience and my absence until this process is complete....

It would be nice if, when a friend uses a teleporter, it would refresh a house the same way opening a door does.


never fear, your library is well taken care of, pages are cleaned regularly. Lets talk about that trinsic member's vendor house who gated daily but never refreshed