I played UO back in the late 90's. Now im back trying it again old school. I had one on the first tamers way back in the day. Now im back to remake my tamer which is a heck of a grind again. Alot of new stuff to try out. Most of it is just the way it was back in the day.
Main issue im having right now with this server is all of these paragons/easter mobs. I made a treasure hunter because I had one of them back in the day as well. But when a paragon or easter mob spawns I have no chance what so ever to kill it and lose everything basically. Even my tamer has a REAL hard time to kill them. I get it, if I had a 10 million dollar meta dragon i could probably kill it.... But old school nightmare/dragon good luck
I am now going to wait a week for pets to Bond because I keep losing them to random paragons. It gets kind of annoying. I guess that is my only complaint right now is newer people have no chance at paragon/easter mobs. And they spawn anywhere doing anything... I understand the Easter dungeon but when paragon liches spawn on a lvl 3 treasure map and its harder than doing a lvl 5 map with regular mobs what am I supposed to do
It makes grinding for money way harder and annoying when they spawn and you have to leave and do something else because you can no longer hunt in that area until someone else comes by and kills it sometime. The Easter mobs that I have actually managed to kill haven't given any special loot... Just takes 10x as long to kill. Just makes it frustrating trying to farm smaller mobs like liches or something because your're new and thats what you can kill, then bam paragon and your grind is done. I'm sure all the people that have super characters like it because they get more training/exp and chance and more loot. But really screws us new people trying to get back into the game!
Main issue im having right now with this server is all of these paragons/easter mobs. I made a treasure hunter because I had one of them back in the day as well. But when a paragon or easter mob spawns I have no chance what so ever to kill it and lose everything basically. Even my tamer has a REAL hard time to kill them. I get it, if I had a 10 million dollar meta dragon i could probably kill it.... But old school nightmare/dragon good luck