I am Firecrest from ETC! I do not PVM much at all! I craft a lot!!!
So What I need is
Vanq Katanas
Vanq Bows
Invul Ar - leather. and Chain with Plate Sleeves and RIng gloves
Glowing Runes
Currently I am supplied with Blue Scales and Barbed Leather but when those PVMers become millionaire Relic Chasers they will leave this stuff on the corpse and I will have that need again.
I am looking for people to supply these goods to me as part of a project I am working on. I am not looking to make a ton of profit off them just a fair price and a constent or bulk supply.
I also I have supplies, I can make Kegs, Armor, Weapons, Slayers, DP weapons, I have every craft! I actually have 8 out of nine chars with a craft, and 6 of them are for crafting only purpose.
I also run a large Vendor house in which I can assist with lower or free rent.
If you would like you may contact me here or on Discord to discuss. None of what I need are going to be for direct re sale so it won't be purchased from you and then placed on a vendor.
I am Firecrest from ETC! I do not PVM much at all! I craft a lot!!!
So What I need is
Vanq Katanas
Vanq Bows
Invul Ar - leather. and Chain with Plate Sleeves and RIng gloves
Glowing Runes
Currently I am supplied with Blue Scales and Barbed Leather but when those PVMers become millionaire Relic Chasers they will leave this stuff on the corpse and I will have that need again.
I am looking for people to supply these goods to me as part of a project I am working on. I am not looking to make a ton of profit off them just a fair price and a constent or bulk supply.
I also I have supplies, I can make Kegs, Armor, Weapons, Slayers, DP weapons, I have every craft! I actually have 8 out of nine chars with a craft, and 6 of them are for crafting only purpose.
I also run a large Vendor house in which I can assist with lower or free rent.
If you would like you may contact me here or on Discord to discuss. None of what I need are going to be for direct re sale so it won't be purchased from you and then placed on a vendor.