Are skill gains based on luck?


For example if I am training Animal Taming, is there a random chance out of ten I will gain OR is it based on the sheer number of times I attempt. So if I attempt to tame xxxx times I'm garenteed to go up 0.1?


As far as I know, it's a percentage chance based on all the factors of what you're doing, how rested/fed you are, and any bonuses or penalties such as being in a house(-25% gains) or dungeon(+50% gains).

I've played "guaranteed" gain shards and they're super boring because you can do the math like "I have to use [skill] X number of times and I will hit GM".

That being said, gains are pretty quick on this shard. If you have the resources or know how to set up the right macro you can GM about anything in a day.

Edit: Sorry, short answer; Yes. Luck.