Archer Tamers tell me your tale...


I'm curious about those with archer tamers. What is your build? What are the strengths and weaknesses?

Right now I have a mage tamer with: taming/lore/vet/magery/med/resist/wrestling. It's a more of a survivability template. My pets do 100% of the work while I just keep them alive. It's a little boring and I think it would be fun to kick it up with archery but I'm a little worried about the weaknesses. I definitely want to keep vet.

I was thinking lore/taming/vet/archery/tactics/magery/med but not having wrestling or resist would be brutal in tight situations. Or maybe a build without magery and with healing/anat instead, but using recall scrolls 100% of the time would be annoying.

How do you guys do it?


Taming/lore/magery (maybe 60mage/40med)/archery/tactics/music/provo 100 str 80 int 45 Dex. Use slayer weapons.
Edit - I don't have a tamer.
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wtf is this template lol.

I'd say 120 Taming 120 Lore 100 vet 100 archery 100 tactics 100 magery 100 resist (if you wanna keep it) 80 med.

You could also drop resist, lock magery at 90 and med at 70 and drop resist for other skills. I'm thinking anat, music, provo, depending on what you wanna do with it.


120 Taming 110 Lore 90 Med 100 Vet 100 Magery 100 Archery 100 Tactics

With this template your weakness is double spawn strong mobs. I consider Provo/Tamer the best all around pvm farmer. An Archer/Tamer will kill mobs faster than a Provo/Tamer. Things are much more controlled and you can do higher end spots with a Provo/Tamer. However, an Archer/Tamer with a meta pet and relics will not be beat in a champion spawn. Hands down, event point destroyer.

I am currently a Provo/Tamer and once I finish training my meta relics, I will drop Music and Provo for Archery and Tactics and just chill at champion spawns.


120 Taming 110 Lore 90 Med 100 Vet 100 Magery 100 Archery 100 Tactics

With this template your weakness is double spawn strong mobs. I consider Provo/Tamer the best all around pvm farmer. An Archer/Tamer will kill mobs faster than a Provo/Tamer. Things are much more controlled and you can do higher end spots with a Provo/Tamer. However, an Archer/Tamer with a meta pet and relics will not be beat in a champion spawn. Hands down, event point destroyer.

I am currently a Provo/Tamer and once I finish training my meta relics, I will drop Music and Provo for Archery and Tactics and just chill at champion spawns.

Thank you Wrexx, this is the exact type of info I was hoping for. I think I'll end up with a build like that. I always hate builds that rely on magery/med for healing and no have wrestle, but I think the pros outweigh the cons here.


I guess I should add this template sucks bhole in pvp. If I miss the recall macro early I'm dead 9/10 times, but I'm rich as fuck because of this build.


Yup, that's what I figured. If a dexer gets in fast, you can't get a recall or heal off. Best case scenario is that you can run in circles while your pet chomps away at them. I rarely miss my recall, but when I do having wrestling and resist has saved me. But yeah, wrestling comes in handy so rarely, it sometimes feels like a wasted skill.


Yup, that's what I figured. If a dexer gets in fast, you can't get a recall or heal off. Best case scenario is that you can run in circles while your pet chomps away at them. I rarely miss my recall, but when I do having wrestling and resist has saved me. But yeah, wrestling comes in handy so rarely, it sometimes feels like a wasted skill.

Don't think your dragon and your WW will care seeing you getting raped. Death beetle are pretty nice in PvP, tho, especially with a mare (fire breath).


A tamer on foot without wrestling eval or resist should be killed every time by a good pk if the tamer misses their recall