Accidentally made a 4th account


I accidentally made a 4th account. added an extra number to my main account username when logging in.

My question is, how did I even manage to make that 4th account since only 3 is allowed and its limited by your IP address. I did not change ISP or routers.

I'm just asking because I don't wanna get banned.


You create a new account every time you log in with a new user name and password automatically. The limit 3 per IP thing is a rule that we as players are required to follow, doesn't mean the Internet gods somehow prevent it from happening; you can do it, you're just not supposed to. I had a similar issue a while back and pm'd Shane about it, he assured me that as long as only 3 accounts are actually used to create and actively play extra characters, you have nothing to worry about.


You create a new account every time you log in with a new user name and password automatically. The limit 3 per IP thing is a rule that we as players are required to follow, doesn't mean the Internet gods somehow prevent it from happening; you can do it, you're just not supposed to. I had a similar issue a while back and pm'd Shane about it, he assured me that as long as only 3 accounts are actually used to create and actively play extra characters, you have nothing to worry about.

ah ok gotcha.

yeah, the last server that I played on blocked you from creating extra accounts, it had the same account creation process.

anyway I guess I'm fine since I didn't create any characters with that account.
