A Wiki Committee


Hi, I'll try to be short and to the point:

I made mention before on this, but it got little attention, which understandably happens to tons of posts, good or bad :p

The idea is - it would be great to see a guild of scribes (for those who need imaginative encouragement) start up and tackle the wiki.

It wouldn't require an actual character being in a guild. It could be a forum only guild that anyone could be a part of. As long as you can take a screenshot and make a wiki post, you can help.

What would be great would be to see staff encourage/support it in various ways:
-Sticky Threads
-In-game news windows with browser opener buttons
-The Town Crier
-In-Game Item Reward(s)
-In-Game Crowd-Funding Donation Boxes (take plat and gold and is given to contributors?)

People who contribute x amount to bug reports and such are rewarded with sandals/aprons/whatever - why not wiki contributors too?

The wiki needs quite a bit of work. It's missing a lot of information that "can" be pieced together on the forums. Not always easy, tho...