30s break between Tournament Rounds and allow Q staffs


In a tournament, if you get a tough duel and your pair is the last to finish in the round, the next round starts almost immediately after you win. You only seem to get about 5 seconds break.

The catch here is that the last tough duel probably drained your resources. So you start off the next duel at a huge disadvantage because you are low on (or out of) resources, but the person you're up against had time to recoup.

My suggestion is a 30 second break between tournament rounds. Even 30 seconds would be crucial to preparing for the next duel, and would allow a player to replenish potions and regs, or whatever. Otherwise, the people who finished last just get shafted.

Also, please allow q staffs. I noticed that q staffs are now allowed when runic weapons are allowed (thank you for changing that). But they are still not allowed when it's a regular 7x with magic weapons. I see no reasoning behind this. I assume it's a bug.


I've brought this up before. It's always painful being the last fight to finish and then the first fight in the next round. Gives no time to restock or get your things straight before being forced into the next match. A 30 second cool-down in-between round would help a lot.

I don't know why quarter staves can't be used... I don't see why they should be restricted.